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Dream BPT

Terms and Conditions

Warm welcome to Dream BPT.
All these terms and conditions showcase the rules and regulations to use the Dream BPT. Really glad that you visit our website dreambpt.com. By accessing our website and using our content we guess you agree with these terms and conditions. Please don’t use our website Dream BPT, if you do not agree to take all the terms specifically mentioned on this page.
  1. Introductions:
This file commands your use of Dream BPT’s website and related services. When you use our website, you agree with these terms and conditions 100%. 
  1. Permission to use Website:
You should not: Republish content from our website to any other website or media.
You must not sub- license, sell or rent from this website any content or material.
You must not copy, rewrite, duplicate or remake any content or material from this website.
You must not publish any content publicly from this website.
You should not use this website in any way that can harm or affect this website.
  1. Intellectual Asset rights: 
Unless mentioned otherwise, Dream BPT’s Authorizers hold the intellectual Asset Rights for all the material on this website. Whole intellectual asset rights are retained.  
You can view, download and print content, images or pages from dreambpt.com (Dream BPT) for your personal use only, not allowed to publish on another website. In accordance with the guidelines outlined in these terms and conditions. 
  1. Customer Content: 
In these terms and conditions, “your user content” means all the material like- text, images, video material and audio material which you add to our website, for any reason. 
You provide Dream BPT a global, permanent, non-singular, royalty free license to use, recreate, translate, modify, Transform and Release your user content in whatever existing.
  1. Liability and Restrictions:
Dream BPT will not be responsible to you, In case under the law of contact, the law of torts, in relation to the contents of this website.
In case any secondary, incidental, or specific loss or in case commercial loss, income loss, profit loses, planned savings, agreement loss, damage of reputations, Data corruption. 
  1. Modification: 
Dream BPT may change any terms and conditions at any time without any kind of advance information, updated or new changed terms conditions will start working from the time or day we published it on our website. So it’s better for you to read and understand the terms and conditions from time to time.
  1. Third Party Links: 
Dream BPT may have some external links from different websites or social media, we don’t support and we are not liable for those content, Correctness, or availability of all of the external links and sites. You admit and accept that Dream BPT will not be responsible for any of your harm, losses or facing any kind of problem when you use third-party links content.
  1.  Rules of use:  
Our website you should not use in any manner that leads to damage to the website.
Users are not allowed to use our website by any method that is illegal, unlawful, fraudulent, harmful or not good for society.
  1. Promoting Affiliate Products:
On our website, affiliate products may be promoted. Please be aware that any kind of buying made by you through that affiliate link provided by our website is governed by the terms and conditions of the specific affiliate program. We are not answerable, if you face any kind of problem from the products that you buy from the affiliate promoted link. 
  1. Governing Law:
These terms and conditions are regulated by and construed according to the laws of (Your Country). You acknowledge and agree to submit without reservation to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in (Your Country).  
If you have any kind of questions about these terms and conditions, without any hesitations, please contact us at dreambigachievement@gmail.com.
Last updated date– 18 June 2024
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